“I am writing to express my thanks for the incredible support your MTG Local project has provided to my son. The impact of the project and your team’s kindness cannot be overstated. The project has allowed my son to discover new opportunities and resources that he previously would have struggled to access due to his needs. Knowing that there are compassionate individuals and organisations like yours willing to lend a hand during difficult times is truly brilliant. The emotional support and encouragement that he has received from your team has been invaluable and he is now growing with confidence and is excited about what the future may hold.”
How could we help you?
Peer support and social activities
1 to 1 advice and guidance
Practical life skills
Wellbeing support
English & maths skills
CV writing and cover letters
Travel support
Interview preparation and techniques
Work experience opportunities
Job, training & course searching and applications
Lee learning from a professional photographer.
“My self-esteem has got a lot better. I feel good and positive about myself. I’m not afraid to try new things now or meet new people.”
Emily and Tamsen learning new skills during a hair and makeup group activity.
Saffy engaging through the 'Participate' music workshop at Snape Maltings.
Youth employment projects
Lapwing is not currently involved in any standalone youth employment projects outside our core education provision. However, this is a much needed service in an area where we have significant expertise and a proven track record, therefore we expect to be delivering youth employment activities in the future.
MTG Local, UKSPF (2023-24) - completed
Following the success of Minding The Gap (see further below), Lapwing Education delivered MTG Local, a youth employment project for 16-24 year olds residing in West Suffolk, Ipswich, Babergh and Mid Suffolk. MTG Local provided targeted and intensive support for NEET young people (those not in education, employment or training) aged 16-24 across the Suffolk districts mentioned above. The sole purpose was to re-engage these young people in education or training and/or enable them to gain and then sustain employment. Participants are often hard to reach, unemployed, economically inactive, at risk of social isolation and face significant barriers to accessing employment.
West Suffolk, Ipswich, Babergh and Mid Suffolk Councils were funding MTG Local with money from the UK Shared Prosperity Fund (UKSPF), which is a central pillar of the UK government’s Levelling Up agenda and will provide £2.6 billion of funding for local investment by March 2025. The Fund aims to improve pride in place and increase life chances across the UK investing in communities and place, supporting local business, and people and skills.
The MTG Local impact report will be published soon!
Minding The Gap (2017-23) - completed
This national project, funded by the European Social Fund and National Lottery Community Fund and led within the county by Community Action Suffolk, has enabled Lapwing to provide targeted and intensive support for NEET young people (those not in education, employment or training) aged 15-24 across Suffolk.
Lapwing and the Suffolk wide partnership delivered successful outcomes for 1,100 young people between January 2017 and March 2023.
Click here to watch a video about Minding The Gap which was created by young people, directed by young people and stars young people.
Click on the links to read our participants’ case studies from the project:
Saffy engaging with others through the 'Participate' music workshop at Snape Maltings.
Tia completing an arts and craft AQA unit award with support.
Ryan getting involved in horticulture at Brett Vale.
Naomi, a participant on Minding The Gap, designed the current Lapwing logo (2018).
“I am working on regulating my sleep patterns and my depression is a lot better. I now have a sense of direction which I didn’t have before.”
Nathan applying for volunteering opportunities with our support.
“The project has made me more confident and helped me socialise more. I feel I can get work now. I feel positive about my future.”
Lee using photography as his motivation - planning his distorted image.
Jason developing his cooking skills at one of our hubs.
Abbie following her interest in performing arts through our introduction and support into Red Rose Chain.
Sam getting involved and learning new skills with our support at Green Light Trust.