A brilliant way to round off 2023 with so many of our fantastic team getting together in Ipswich for our staff Christmas social.
Most of the Lapwing Suffolk Team (above) during a team building day in January 2023.
It was a fantastic way to start the year getting our teams together in both Norfolk and Suffolk for a great well-being session delivered by Suffolk Mind followed by some fun team building too!
Jude (post 16 student) and Dru working on LEGO robotics…
National recognition for creating a fantastic resource!
Staff training day (Jan 2024)
A really positive start to 2024 with all our education delivery staff working together under one roof in Eye Town Hall!
Team Building (Jan 2023)
Lapwing’s Docudrama project (July 22)
Three students teamed up to write, act in, direct, edit and produce their own video creations inspired by Suffolk myths and legends. Click on the links to watch:
Zac’s Story: The Rendlesham Coincidences
Lapwing’s Minding The Gap video
Click here to watch a video about Lapwing’s Minding The Gap project. This short film was created by young people, directed by young people and stars young people (Dec 2021). The Minding The Gap project is providing personalised support to 15-24 year olds who require help to them move towards education, employment or training.
Lapwing’s Autumn Term Newsletter (Dec 21)
In this article, Dru Watts (Lapwing tutor) shares her love of LEGO robotics and how she implemented the FIRST LEGO League…
Lapwing’s Summer Newsletter (August 2021)
Lapwing’s Spring Newsletter (April 2021)
The first ever Lapwing podcast! (Jan 2021)
Throughout November and December 2020 seven Lapwing students joined forces to work collectively on creating, editing and producing ‘The Mixture Podcast’ as part of Lapwing’s six week group media project. This was a great opportunity for them to develop their digital, creative, social and communication skills and enabled them to bring their interests to the fore to create an eclectic mixture of
Lapwing’s Autumn Newsletter (Nov 2020)
The work of Suffolk’s Post 16 SEND Forum has been recognised with a national award!
Lapwing’s CEO & Head of Education, Will Fletcher, who chairs Suffolk’s Post 16 SEND Forum was notified on 9th November that the Forum’s collaborative work to produce Suffolk’s 16+ Transitions Guide has been recognised by the National Association for Special Educational Needs (NASEN) by gaining the The David Ryan Publication Award 2020.
The Forum is made up of a representation of Suffolk’s Post 16 SEND education providers and other professionals. The group collaborated to produce this practical guide for parents/carers in the hope that it would help them navigate the often challenging stages of transition through the different education phases and on to adulthood.