Lucas (year 10) during his supported work placement at Suffolk Owl Sanctuary, Stonham Barns.
Evie (year 1) enjoying hand painting.
Daisy (year 10) on a cultural visit to Aldeburgh and Snape.
Pre-16 programmes
We work with students of school age who are struggling to maintain or succeed in their education placement (mainstream, special school or PRU) due to Special Educational Needs and Disabilities and/or complex social, emotional and behavioural needs.
Depending on the agreed goals, student programmes usually focus on personal, social and emotional development as well as targeting academic progress (covering a range of subjects and qualifications including functional skills, GCSEs, Arts Award) and can include vocational learning and supported work experience if appropriate.
Transition programmes
We are accustomed to working with students on an interim basis to prepare them for their next provision and secure a successful transition between educational placements. Once identified we will typically try to work closely with the receiving provider (or as the link between two education providers) to deliver a transition programme. (Eg. reintegration from PRU to mainstream school or working with students who are currently out of education to be ready to take up a PRU or special school place).
Click to read NG’s case study.
Bespoke alternative education programmes
We are regularly commissioned to deliver long term bespoke education provision to students with Education, Health and Care Plans in order to meet their very specific additional needs. These programmes are commissioned termly or annually and involve Lapwing typically working with students towards specific personal development goals and academic targets/qualifications. These programmes are regularly monitored and reviewed to track student progress and all our students make excellent progress against the outcomes identified in their EHCPs.
We have a comprehensive initial assessment process and a range of therapeutic interventions available to support the delivery of our education programmes.
Leo (year 11) working on the canoe building project, Woodbridge.
Charlie (Year 10) during a boxing session in Norwich.