Staff and student insights
“I just wanted to say thank you for the huge amount of support I’ve received. I think Lapwing is amazing in how they support staff... I’ve never worked anywhere quite like it! I just wanted to express my appreciation.”
Stevie, 17 years old, with her latest creation!
“I think one of the major bonuses of working for Lapwing is just how much support and excellent knowledge there is among everyone I’ve met so far. I’ve had the misfortune to work among teams in the past who are very dysfunctional and lose sight of the most important things, Lapwing feels very different.”
Emma J (tutor) and Jude (post 16 student) interviewed each other regarding their experience of Lapwing.
“I have really enjoyed learning valuable new skills and adapting my current skills. I have been so well supported by the wonderful staff at Lapwing. I feel privileged to work amongst a fantastic group of like-minded people who stand by one another. I am seeing, first hand, how Lapwing benefits students in so many ways - it’s incredibly rewarding to be a part of it all. Thank you for giving me this opportunity and I look forward to developing my skills further within Lapwing in the future.”
D, 18 years old, left Lapwing to join a mainstream Level 2 college course in September 2021 after two years working with us. He went from being stuck in his bedroom to fully accessing society and decided to create this board as a parting gift.