Lapwing’s very own Lisa Squirrell accepting a cheque from Woodbridge Shufflers following the Woodbridge 10KM run (19 May 2019).
Students from Farlingaye High School and Chantry Academy performing their production, Green Mystery House, (as part of the Performance Stories project, March 2017).
Grant funding
As well as delivering our core education offer, Lapwing also plan, lead and implement additional education projects which are funded by grant making organisations. These projects always have a specific focus and clearly defined outcomes and either enable us to provide an enhanced offer to our current cohort (for example through our Summer Interventions Programme), or allow us to reach even more young people who are in significant need of specialist intervention.
The most recent projects we have delivered, and the associated grant making organisations we have worked with, are listed below:
Summer Interventions Programme 2022 (funded by the Suffolk Community Foundation through the Skinner’s Fund, Denbury Charitable Fund, Kingsfleet Community Fund, Private Fund - PFF). This programme, which runs annually, enables young people in Suffolk, Norfolk and north Essex, deemed at risk of isolation or regression in terms of mental health, youth crime, substance misuse and educational engagement, to maintain their current progress throughout the summer holiday period. Click to read a case study of a post 16 student, D, who benefited from a continuation of his education programme through the summer holiday period.
Minding The Gap Local (funded by the UKSPF) formerly known as Minding The Gap (funded by the European Social Fund and National Lottery Community Fund 2017-23). The project provides targeted and intensive support for young people in Suffolk aged 16-24 to gain and sustain employment or education. These young people are unemployed, economically inactive, facing significant barriers to accessing education, employment or the community and currently experiencing or at risk of social isolation.
Summer Interventions Programme 2021 (funded by The Seckford Foundation; the Suffolk Community Foundation through the #i will fund grant award and the WN Estates Family Fund; The Annie Tranmer Charitable Trust; and a donation from Suffolk Scrap Store Trust). Click to read a case study of a post 16 student, Joe, who benefited from a continuation of his education programme through the summer holiday period.
Summer Interventions Programme 2020 (funded by The Seckford Foundation, The Suffolk Scrap Store Trust and other individual donations). Click to read case study 1 and case study 2 where both students benefited from a continuation of their education programmes through the summer holiday period.
Summer Interventions Programme 2019 (funded by The Seckford Foundation, The Woodbridge Shufflers running club, The Geoffrey Watling Charity and The Hopkins Charitable Fund). Click to read case study 1 and case study 2.
Summer Interventions Programme 2018 (funded by The Seckford Foundation, The Ganzoni Trust and Mrs. L. D. Rope Third Charitable Settlement). Click here to read a case study.
Performance Stories 2016-17 (funded by Hope House and Gippeswyk Educational Trust and part funded by local schools in Ipswich and surrounding areas). Using drama and storytelling as a vehicle, the 12 week project for students aged 11-15 years of age and at risk of regression or exclusion was designed to build self-confidence, character and resilience culminating in a performance of ‘their story’ to their families, friends and school staff.
Educate & Liberate 2015-17 (funded by Bailey Thomas Charitable Fund, The Sobell Foundation and Gippeswyk Educational Trust). Working in liaison with LD CAMHS this fund enabled Lapwing to provide targeted support for young people with both significant learning difficulties and mental health issues.
Teen Expectations 2015-17 (funded by Suffolk Coastal District Council). This project focused on the delivery of bespoke educational support and provision to young mothers and fathers to be as well as those who had recently become parents.